miércoles , febrero 19 2025
Home / Google anuncia un evento de desarrolladores de Google Glasses en dos semanas

Google anuncia un evento de desarrolladores de Google Glasses en dos semanas


Google está dispuesto a continuar con el proyecto de Google Glasses, por lo que ha decidido enviar correos electrónicos a aquellos que desde un inicio invirtieron $ 1500 dólares en el proyecto.

Join us for an early look at Glass and two full days of hacking on the upcoming Google Mirror API in San Francisco or New York. These hackathons are just for developers in the Explorer program and we’re calling them the Glass Foundry. It’s the first opportunity for a group of developers to get together and develop for Glass.

We’ll begin the first day with an introduction to Glass. You’l have a device to use while on-site. Next we’ll take a look at the Mirror API, which gives you the ability to exchange data and interact with the user over REST. We’ll then dive into development with Google engineers on site to help you at any point. At the end of the second day we’ll have a lively round of demos with some special guest judges.

If you’d like to attend this first Glass Foundry, please choose and register by Friday, January 18th at 4pm PT. There is limited space. If you are accepted, you will receive a confirmation letter with additional details and required terms after registration closes. Please don’t make any travel arrangements until your attendance is confirmed.

Glass Foundry San Francisco
January 28th & 29th at Google SF

Glass Foundry New York
February 1st & 2nd and Google NYC

El objetivo de unir a los desarrolladores es realizar una especie de hackathon para desarrollar las gafas, un par de días y muchas horas de trabajo. Por lo cual, Google realizará dos eventos; en Nueva York y San Francisco. Según Google, si los eventos marchan a la perfección, la edición de Google Glasses para desarrolladores estará en éste año, por lo que tal vez en el 2014 seamos testigos del lanzamieto de Google Glass.


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